A B-29 Named Doc and B-29 Team Photos from 1945


My name is Maury Lambert; I was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas. While growing up during World War 2 (WW2), my father (Clair Lambert) was 4F due to a heart problem, so he didn't serve in the military. However, he contributed to the war effort by working at Boeing as part of the B-29 team. He was a final inspector on the production line. The first two pictures are small versions of the original photos.

The group of people seen here were working at Boeing at the time the B-29 named Doc was built. Doc has been lovingly restored by a large group of volunteers in Wichita. Doc is now in its permanent home where the B-29 can be maintained and be seen as a tribute to the many people involved in the war effort as well as the people who worked to restore the B-29 named Doc.

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My father is in the above picture

As part of his job, my father flew, with a group of managers, from Boeing in Wichita to the company's headquarters in Seattle, Washington. I was told that he flew on board a B-17 which can be seen in the photo to the right.

I remember the day before the flight, my father brought home a regulation U.S. Army parachute to show to my mother and me. It was made with two parts. There was a large pack on his back with a smaller pack hanging below the large pack. My dad told us that the larger backpack was the main parachute while the smaller pack was an emergency 'chute which also served as a seat cushion. 

Below is the type of parachute I remember my father bringing home to show to my mother and me.

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I was told that my father was aboard the B-17


My father was 4F when WW2 began. He had a bad heart which had already given him two mild heart attacks. However, my dad was very patriotic and found a way he could contribute to the war effort by going to work for Boeing. I was told that he was a final inspector on the B-29 production line.

In every photo of my dad, he has a charming smile like what is seen here on the right. He finally experienced a third and fatal heart attack in 1948 at the age of 36.


Clair Lambert


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